view article - Following the Law while Improving Public Health 01.17.2018 view article - Following the Law while Improving Public Health Health Equity Policy Following the Law while Improving Public Health Governor Andrew Cuomo used executive action to place the homeless in shelters on freezing winter nights, raising questions about paternalism and public health. Fellow Gilbert Benavidez
view article - Speaking Truth To Power 12.12.2017 view article - Speaking Truth To Power Health Equity Violence Speaking Truth To Power Gilbert Benavidez reflects on his recent AJPH article with Dr. Sondra Crosby on the role of medical professionals in the War on Terror, and speaking truth to power. Fellow Gilbert Benavidez
view article - Words Matter: Where Public Health Professionals Can Do Better 11.27.2017 view article - Words Matter: Where Public Health Professionals Can Do Better Health Equity Words Matter: Where Public Health Professionals Can Do Better Public health professionals have an obligation to promote language that prevents distortion and discrimination. Guest Authors Erika Crable, Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, Veronika J. Wirtz
view article - The Unanswered Questions of Health Reform 11.17.2017 view article - The Unanswered Questions of Health Reform Health Equity Policy The Unanswered Questions of Health Reform The ACA seems here to stay, but major questions remain about the future of American health reform. David Jones highlights the question he will be paying attention to as we move into the second year of the Trump era. Editor David K. Jones
view article - What We Have Learned This Year 11.16.2017 view article - What We Have Learned This Year Health Equity What We Have Learned This Year The day after Trump’s election David Jones outlined 20 questions about what the new presidency meant for health reform. One year later, he discusses the answers to his questions. Most importantly, the ACA seems to have survived - or has it? Editor David K. Jones
view article - Allies in Criminal Justice Reform 10.23.2017 view article - Allies in Criminal Justice Reform Health Equity Incarceration Allies in Criminal Justice Reform Massachusetts is one of only four states that has not implemented medical parole, which allows allows incarcerated individuals with terminal illness or permanent incapacitation to return to their communities. Guest Authors Brena F. Sena, Cherie L. Ramirez
view article - Puerto Rico: In Need of Real Actions, not Tweets 10.10.2017 view article - Puerto Rico: In Need of Real Actions, not Tweets Environment Natural Disasters Puerto Rico: In Need of Real Actions, not Tweets Despair, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, desolation... a few of the emotions felt by Paola Sepulveda-Miranda while waiting for news of her family before and after Hurricane Maria's destruction of Puerto. Guest Author Paola Sepulveda-Miranda
view article - Injection Drug Use in Ghana 10.04.2017 view article - Injection Drug Use in Ghana Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Injection Drug Use in Ghana People living with addiction in the United States are increasingly visible, as are the challenges they face. In Ghana, they are still living in the shadows. Editor Jennifer Beard
view article - Detroit 09.25.2017 view article - Detroit Health Equity Detroit This is a special and unique week for Public Health Post: we are devoting all five articles to stories about public health in Detroit. David Jones tells the story of taking his daughter to a Tigers game as a metaphor for falling in love with the city he calls "one of the most fascinating stories in America right now." Editor David K. Jones