view article - How PTSD, Suicide, and Overdose Death Come Together in Late Life 06.22.2023 view article - How PTSD, Suicide, and Overdose Death Come Together in Late Life Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health How PTSD, Suicide, and Overdose Death Come Together in Late Life Nearly half of veterans over the age of 50 with PTSD were found to have an increased risk for both suicide attempts and overdose death by suicide. Guest Authors Amy Byers, Ryan Clark
view article - Top-down Harm Reduction for Social Media 06.14.2023 view article - Top-down Harm Reduction for Social Media Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Top-down Harm Reduction for Social Media Social media is addictive and generally bad for our health, but there are ways to make it less harmful before even reaching the user. Guest Author Elsa Pearson Sites
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view article - Voluntary, Temporary, Out-of-Home Firearm Storage: An Opportunity for Suicide Prevention 04.18.2023 view article - Voluntary, Temporary, Out-of-Home Firearm Storage: An Opportunity for Suicide Prevention Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Voluntary, Temporary, Out-of-Home Firearm Storage: An Opportunity for Suicide Prevention Voluntary storage programs at gun ranges, retailers, or law enforcement agencies may be a promising solution for preventing firearm-related suicides. Guest Author Emmy Betz
view article - Public Health's Role in Supporting the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 03.22.2023 view article - Public Health's Role in Supporting the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Public Health's Role in Supporting the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Through evaluation and accountability, policy development, and public trust building, public health professionals can play a key role in supporting the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Guest Authors Kristen Quinlan, Bruce Crow, Kimberly Townsend
view article - Queering Is Caring 03.07.2023 view article - Queering Is Caring Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Queering Is Caring Access to gender-affirming treatments and care decreased the odds of both depression and suicide in transgender and non-binary youth. Fellow Bethany Hallenborg
view article - Mental Health Impact 11.30.2022 view article - Mental Health Impact Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Mental Health Impact Children who experienced a concussion had a 40% greater risk of developing mental health issues over the following decade than children who had sustained an orthopedic injury. Fellow Barbara Espinosa
view article - The High Suicide Rates Among Indigenous Populations 11.29.2022 view article - The High Suicide Rates Among Indigenous Populations Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health The High Suicide Rates Among Indigenous Populations Suicide rates among U.S. Indigenous populations increased by 40% between 2010 and 2020, as shown in a new visualization created by the Center for Antiracist Research. Guest Authors Elaine O. Nsoesie, Yukun Yang
view article - Calling Crisis Intervention Teams 11.28.2022 view article - Calling Crisis Intervention Teams Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Calling Crisis Intervention Teams Half of U.S. counties did not have access to crisis intervention team services in 2020, highlighting a particular need in rural counties. Guest Author Helen Newton