view article - Practice What We Preach 06.12.2019 view article - Practice What We Preach Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Practice What We Preach A 2019 study shows that public health schools’ maternity leave policies are too often not in keeping with their proclaimed values. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Why Foster Youth Need Sex-Ed 05.10.2019 view article - Why Foster Youth Need Sex-Ed Sexual & Reproductive Health Adolescent Health Why Foster Youth Need Sex-Ed Youth in foster care or the juvenile justice system have higher rates of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and associated sexual risk behaviors. Guest Author Nadine M. Finigan-Carr
view article - Climate Changes Fetal Hearts 05.09.2019 view article - Climate Changes Fetal Hearts Environment Climate Change Climate Changes Fetal Hearts Warming temperatures have the potential to impact the health of unborn children: heat and high temperatures can also interfere with fetal heart development. Fellow Erin Polka
view article - Lynn M. Paltrow 04.23.2019 view article - Lynn M. Paltrow Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Lynn M. Paltrow Public Health Post Fellow Jori Fortson profiles Lynn Paltrow, who works to secure the human and civil rights, health, and welfare of all pregnant people. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Doula Support for Women in Underserved Communities 03.27.2019 view article - Doula Support for Women in Underserved Communities Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Doula Support for Women in Underserved Communities Often, the services of a doula are not covered by insurance, meaning that the support is restricted to women who know about it and can afford to pay for it. Guest Author Mary-Powel Thomas
view article - Disparities in Maternal Mortality in California 11.16.2018 view article - Disparities in Maternal Mortality in California Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Disparities in Maternal Mortality in California California’s success in preventing maternal mortality is often cited as an example of how other states can improve maternal care, but racial disparities persist. Fellow Chrissy Packtor
view article - Catholic Hospitals and a Woman’s Right to Know 10.15.2018 view article - Catholic Hospitals and a Woman’s Right to Know Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Sex and Sexuality Catholic Hospitals and a Woman’s Right to Know Catholic hospitals often do not provide certain types of reproductive health care. Freedman and colleagues conducted research on women's knowledge about hospital religious affiliation and its impact on their decisions about where to get care. Fellow Chrissy Packtor
view article - Christmas Copulation Increases Fall Population 09.20.2018 view article - Christmas Copulation Increases Fall Population Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Christmas Copulation Increases Fall Population September is the most common birthday month in the United States, with September 16 the most common birth date. The popularity of September birthdays isn’t happenstance. Fellow Erin Polka
view article - Marijuana Messages and Pregnancy 05.14.2018 view article - Marijuana Messages and Pregnancy Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Marijuana Messages and Pregnancy The health effects of marijuana use in pregnancy and postpartum remain largely unknown. This scientific uncertainty has created challenges for public health education about marijuana use. Guest Author Marian Jarlenski