view article - (PrEP)aring for Campus Activities 04.30.2021 view article - (PrEP)aring for Campus Activities Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality (PrEP)aring for Campus Activities Providing PrEP on college campuses will assist in the fight to end the HIV epidemic. Students seeking sexual health care in college health clinic settings deserve to hear about the options that allow them to best protect themselves. Fellow Maya Thirkill
view article - No Need to Fear 01.27.2021 view article - No Need to Fear Health Equity No Need to Fear Policies that prohibit anyone from donating based on their sexual orientation and history are not only arbitrary, they are discriminatory. Fellow Tasha McAbee
view article - Kenyon Farrow 12.01.2020 view article - Kenyon Farrow Health Equity Kenyon Farrow On World AIDS Day, Kenyon Farrow, a writer, editor, and strategist, gives perspective to HIV in the time of Covid-19. Editor Nicholas Diamond
view article - Using Covid-19 to End HIV 11.17.2020 view article - Using Covid-19 to End HIV Disease Chronic Disease Using Covid-19 to End HIV The public health response to Covid-19 provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to end the HIV epidemic in America. Guest Authors Bohdan Nosyk, Wendy S. Armstrong, Carlos del Rio
view article - Uptake of PrEP 09.15.2020 view article - Uptake of PrEP Health Equity LGBTQ+ Health Uptake of PrEP The full potential of PrEP is yet to be realized because only a fraction of people who would benefit from taking it have access. Guest Author Pedro Botti Carneiro
view article - Who's Checking In? 07.15.2020 view article - Who's Checking In? Health Equity LGBTQ+ Health Who's Checking In? Gay and bisexual teens of color living in red states and in the South face additional barriers, namely that their providers avoid discussing sexual health. Fellow Gray Babbs
view article - PrEP Talk 11.21.2019 view article - PrEP Talk Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality PrEP Talk Improving access to PrEP across the country for those out-of-reach from nearby providers will be a crucial component to end the HIV epidemic by 2030. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Cuts and Condoms 11.13.2019 view article - Cuts and Condoms Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality Cuts and Condoms Black men are impacted by HIV more than any other group in the US, and programs like Barbershop Talk with Brothers could reduce HIV inequities nationwide. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Rhodessa Jones 11.07.2019 view article - Rhodessa Jones Health Equity Incarceration Rhodessa Jones Julia Garcia profiles Rhodessa Jones to discuss the Medea Project and her journey with art, theatre, and connecting with people through stories. Fellow Julia Garcia