view article - COVID-19 and Adolescent Suicide Deaths 07.14.2022 view article - COVID-19 and Adolescent Suicide Deaths Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health COVID-19 and Adolescent Suicide Deaths Suicide deaths among U.S. adolescents increased during the pandemic, particularly among Black youth. Fellow Abby Outterson
view article - Dream Disparities 07.13.2022 view article - Dream Disparities Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Dream Disparities The percentage of people getting less that seven hours sleep per night increased significantly from 2004-2018, particularly for Black people. Fellow Barbara Espinosa
view article - How Are Health Care Workers Holding Up? 05.25.2022 view article - How Are Health Care Workers Holding Up? Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health How Are Health Care Workers Holding Up? Researchers investigated the factors driving health care workers and first responders to leave their jobs. Fellow Abby Outterson
view article - Religious Community in Public Health and Medicine 05.10.2022 view article - Religious Community in Public Health and Medicine Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Religious Community in Public Health and Medicine Participation in religious services, and in other forms of relational and community life has positive effects on health. Guest Author Tyler J. VanderWeele
view article - A Surge in Overdose Deaths During Covid-19 03.03.2022 view article - A Surge in Overdose Deaths During Covid-19 Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health A Surge in Overdose Deaths During Covid-19 Almost all states experienced increased rates of fatal drug overdose from 2019 to 2020. Guest Authors Kevin Griffith, Samantha G. Auty
view article - Risky Online Activity 02.09.2022 view article - Risky Online Activity Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Risky Online Activity Students seeking risky online material were more likely to generate alerts that may indicate suicide or self-harm behavior. Fellow Rubina Veerakone
view article - A Native-Centered Approach to Trauma 02.07.2022 view article - A Native-Centered Approach to Trauma Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health A Native-Centered Approach to Trauma A culturally-tailored wellness program for Alaska Native people helped reduce participants' need to seek health care. Fellow Sara Mar
view article - Tom Insel 01.28.2022 view article - Tom Insel Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Tom Insel Dr. Tom Insel, a former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, sat down with PHP to discuss themes from his upcoming book Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health. Fellow Sara Mar
view article - Mental Health and Migrant Family Separation 01.11.2022 view article - Mental Health and Migrant Family Separation Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Mental Health and Migrant Family Separation The mental health impacts of separating migrant children from their families are grim. Guest Author Olivia Shadid