view article - Heidi Larson 06.12.2020 view article - Heidi Larson Disease COVID-19 Heidi Larson PHP Fellow Pat Williams profiles Heidi Larson to discuss the narrative of Covid-19 and to offer a global perspective on the coronavirus pandemic. Fellow Pat Williams Editor Nicholas Diamond
view article - Messaging and Measles 03.11.2020 view article - Messaging and Measles Disease Infectious Disease Messaging and Measles In response to pressure to increase transparency, Facebook launched Ad Library, allowing a comparison of trends in pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine messaging. Fellow Tasha McAbee
view article - Vaccine Hesitancy Is Still Trending 11.18.2019 view article - Vaccine Hesitancy Is Still Trending Disease Infectious Disease Vaccine Hesitancy Is Still Trending Vaccine advocates are drowning out vaccine denouncers. Very few are engaging others and changing opinions as tweeters exist in separate bubbles. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Measles Madness 09.02.2019 view article - Measles Madness Disease Infectious Disease Measles Madness Health authorities declared that measles had been eliminated from the nation in 2000, yet the virus has reemerged at alarmingly high rates in 2019. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Vaccination Is Not a Personal Healthcare Choice 07.19.2019 view article - Vaccination Is Not a Personal Healthcare Choice Disease Vaccination Is Not a Personal Healthcare Choice Preserving personal freedom is a rising response to vaccination. It is now vital to control the public narrative on vaccines to protect our communities. Guest Author Matthew Woodruff
view article - Why Is Vaccine Hesitancy Trending? 05.14.2019 view article - Why Is Vaccine Hesitancy Trending? Disease Why Is Vaccine Hesitancy Trending? Now more than ever, health experts and community leaders need to be active on social media to combat the vast amounts of vaccine misinformation circulating. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Multi-Dose Vaccines: Not Getting it Done 09.18.2018 view article - Multi-Dose Vaccines: Not Getting it Done Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality Multi-Dose Vaccines: Not Getting it Done The HPV vaccine requires a series of shots to prevent infection, but it is difficult to get young patients to return for multiple visits of preventive care. Fellow Chrissy Packtor
view article - Personalizing Shingles 06.15.2018 view article - Personalizing Shingles Disease Infectious Disease Personalizing Shingles Shingles is painful and can result in complications that can impact patients financially, but many adults opt not to receive shingles vaccination. Fellow Sampada Nandyala
view article - Warts Up? 04.13.2018 view article - Warts Up? Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality Warts Up? A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention measured the prevalence of anogenital warts in the United States. Herd protection is working. Fellow Chrissy Packtor