view article - Reyma McCoy Hyten 12.08.2022 view article - Reyma McCoy Hyten Health Equity Disability Reyma McCoy Hyten Reyma McCoy Hyten has a two-decade career in the service and support of people with disabilities. She became the first Black woman to serve as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner for the Administration on Disabilities. Currently, she works privately, devoting her full attention and time to identifying and confronting the root causes of oppression, and how systems create marginalization. Fellow Connor McCombs
view article - Dallas Ducar 12.02.2022 view article - Dallas Ducar Health Equity LGBTQ+ Health Dallas Ducar Dallas Ducar is president and CEO of a New England non-profit health care organization that provides gender-affirming care. Fellow Connor McCombs
view article - Melissa Chinchilla 11.14.2022 view article - Melissa Chinchilla Health Equity Housing Melissa Chinchilla Melissa Chinchilla works at the intersection of homelessness and health. She is researcher with the Veterans Affairs Los Angeles Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy. Fellow Bethany Hallenborg
view article - Ian Rowe 11.08.2022 view article - Ian Rowe Health Equity Child and Adolescent Health Ian Rowe Ian Rowe, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and co-founder of Vertex Partnership Academies, talks about drivers of success and challenges in education. Fellow Barbara Espinosa
view article - Regina Wu 11.03.2022 view article - Regina Wu Health Equity Nutrition Regina Wu Regina Wu is a primary care physician and president of the Newton Food Pantry. Fellow Barbara Espinosa
view article - Marcela Howell 10.20.2022 view article - Marcela Howell Sexual & Reproductive Health Maternal Health Marcela Howell Marcela Howell is president and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Agenda, a national state partnership of eight Black women's reproductive justice organizations. Fellow Barbara Espinosa
view article - Liz Theoharis 10.07.2022 view article - Liz Theoharis Health Equity Liz Theoharis Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis is co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and a lecturer at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Fellow Abby Outterson
view article - Utibe R. Essien 09.30.2022 view article - Utibe R. Essien Health Equity Utibe R. Essien Utibe R. Essien, MD, MPH is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and a general internist and health disparities researcher at the VA Pittsburgh Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion. Fellow Abby Outterson
view article - Emile DeWeaver 09.23.2022 view article - Emile DeWeaver Health Equity Incarceration Emile DeWeaver Emile DeWeaver is an activist and author whose life sentence was commuted after 21 years for his community work in prison. The co-founder of Prison Renaissance, DeWeaver also covertly organized to pass legislation that changed the way California treats juveniles in its criminal legal system while in prison. Fellow Hannah Tremont