view article - Warning: Sweet Drinks Ahead 06.10.2019 view article - Warning: Sweet Drinks Ahead Health Equity Nutrition Warning: Sweet Drinks Ahead In the midst of a nationwide obesity epidemic, taxing and labeling policies on sugary drinks can work together to help consumers make healthier choices. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Title X Funding Improves Family Planning 12.13.2018 view article - Title X Funding Improves Family Planning Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality Title X Funding Improves Family Planning Title X-participating centers consistently offer more effective and high-quality family planning services than non-Title X health centers. Fellow Sampada Nandyala
view article - Three Voices on 3 11.06.2018 view article - Three Voices on 3 Health Equity LGBTQ+ Health Three Voices on 3 What do the potential outcomes of today's vote on MA Question 3 look like for Yes on 3 coalition members Alexis Krohn, Eurah Ko, and Linda Fingerson? Fellow Erin Polka
view article - Design Thinking for Public Health 08.24.2018 view article - Design Thinking for Public Health Environment Environmental Health Design Thinking for Public Health Five Borough Farm Project, an initiative launched in 2009, brought urban farmers, designers, and policy makers together, using design thinking to expand urban agriculture in New York City. Guest Author Tara Murphy
view article - Support of Same-Sex Love and Marriage Improves Health 02.14.2018 view article - Support of Same-Sex Love and Marriage Improves Health Health Equity LGBTQ+ Health Support of Same-Sex Love and Marriage Improves Health Happy Valentine’s Day from Public Health Post! The spirit of the day presents a special opportunity to emphasize the connection between love, law, and health outcomes, in this case, the legalization of same-sex marriage. Fellow Gilbert Benavidez
view article - Firearm Legislation Linked with Fewer Fatal Police Shootings 12.13.2017 view article - Firearm Legislation Linked with Fewer Fatal Police Shootings Health Equity Policy Violence Firearm Legislation Linked with Fewer Fatal Police Shootings Laws that strengthen background checks, promote child and consumer safety, and reduce gun trafficking are linked to lower rates of fatal police shootings. Fellow Qing Wai Wong
view article - Better Needs Assessments for Better Education Outcomes 10.30.2017 view article - Better Needs Assessments for Better Education Outcomes Health Equity Child and Adolescent Health Better Needs Assessments for Better Education Outcomes About one in six US public schools did not meet standards for student achievement in the 2014-2015 school year. Children of color and kids from low-income families are most affected by the low performance of these schools. Fellow Madeline Bishop
view article - Allies in Criminal Justice Reform 10.23.2017 view article - Allies in Criminal Justice Reform Health Equity Incarceration Allies in Criminal Justice Reform Massachusetts is one of only four states that has not implemented medical parole, which allows allows incarcerated individuals with terminal illness or permanent incapacitation to return to their communities. Guest Authors Brena F. Sena, Cherie L. Ramirez
view article - Combatting High Pharma Costs in Massachusetts 08.11.2017 view article - Combatting High Pharma Costs in Massachusetts Health Equity Policy Combatting High Pharma Costs in Massachusetts There is bipartisan agreement that unregulated pharmaceutical costs are a problem. Here are three policy approaches – including model legislation – that states could use. Fellow Gilbert Benavidez