view article - Health Insurance Disparities Persist after ACA 05.09.2018 view article - Health Insurance Disparities Persist after ACA Health Equity Policy Health Insurance Disparities Persist after ACA Although the percentage of those without insurance has decreased under the ACA, Black Americans are still more likely to be uninsured than White Americans. Fellow Chrissy Packtor
view article - Why Not Single Payer Now? 05.08.2018 view article - Why Not Single Payer Now? Health Equity Policy Why Not Single Payer Now? Democrats and moderates spent the last decade building support for, developing, and then defending the Affordable Care Act. A resurgent progressive interest in single payer health care would abandon it. Guest Author Jon Kingsdale
view article - The Undeserving 03.15.2018 view article - The Undeserving Health Equity Policy The Undeserving Qing Wai Wong questions the assumptions behind Medicaid work requirements policy, that everyone could pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Medicaid enrollees in states that have yet to expand Medicaid will face a unique challenge. Fellow Qing Wai Wong
view article - A History of Work Requirements 02.12.2018 view article - A History of Work Requirements Health Equity Policy A History of Work Requirements Nine states have pending waiver requests that would require work as a condition for receiving Medicaid benefits. Work requirements are not a new policy idea. Politicians, especially conservatives, have been proposing the addition of work requirements to every existing type of public benefit program for decades. Guest Author Allyson Baughman
view article - Medicaid Expansion Expands Access to Mental Health Care 11.28.2017 view article - Medicaid Expansion Expands Access to Mental Health Care Health Equity Policy Medicaid Expansion Expands Access to Mental Health Care Recent research from the National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act increased access to mental health care. Fellow Qing Wai Wong
view article - The ACA and Narrow Networks for Mental Health 10.12.2017 view article - The ACA and Narrow Networks for Mental Health Health Equity Policy The ACA and Narrow Networks for Mental Health Data from provider networks in ACA marketplaces showed mental health care physicians were out-of-network almost 60% of the time, while primary care physicians were only out of network around 40% of the time. Fellow Gilbert Benavidez
view article - BCRA Undercuts Opioid Treatment 07.18.2017 view article - BCRA Undercuts Opioid Treatment Health Equity Policy BCRA Undercuts Opioid Treatment The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) creates a $45 billion fund for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment. However, this amount is unlikely to overcome Medicaid spending restrictions proposed in the bill. Fellow Qing Wai Wong
view article - ACA Repeal Would Result in Job Loss 03.22.2017 view article - ACA Repeal Would Result in Job Loss Health Equity Policy ACA Repeal Would Result in Job Loss A repeal of the ACA will affect more than health care coverage: job loss is a lesser-discussed, but important, effect of a repeal of the law. Fellow Qing Wai Wong
view article - A Changing Labor Market Landscape: Implications for Health Insurance and Health Policy 03.22.2017 view article - A Changing Labor Market Landscape: Implications for Health Insurance and Health Policy Health Equity Policy A Changing Labor Market Landscape: Implications for Health Insurance and Health Policy What ACA repeal might mean for workers in middle and lower-wage occupations. Guest Author Tom Buchmueller