view article - The Suffering Generation 09.16.2019 view article - The Suffering Generation Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health The Suffering Generation Premature deaths from suicide and alcohol or drug overdoses reflect record-high societal rates of anxiety and depression among Millennials. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Rising Deductibles 09.13.2019 view article - Rising Deductibles Health Equity Policy Rising Deductibles A recent analysis of out-of-pocket spending by the Kaiser Foundation found that between 2006 and 2017, deductibles increased as co-pays shrank. Fellow Oluwatobi Alliyu
view article - Depths of Despair 09.10.2019 view article - Depths of Despair Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Depths of Despair Evidence points to “deaths of despair” across all racial and ethnic groups. Efforts to mitigate cultural despair should target populations of young adults. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Surprise Bills at the ER 09.06.2019 view article - Surprise Bills at the ER Health Equity Surprise Bills at the ER Millions of Americans receive a surprise–and often pricey–out-of-network ER visit bill, putting too many seemingly health-insured Americans into debt. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Death Watch 09.04.2019 view article - Death Watch Health Equity Policy Death Watch Does the news reflect what we die from? We have been conditioned to fear the exceedingly rare and ignore what’s more likely to kill us. Fellow Greg Kantor
view article - Measles Madness 09.02.2019 view article - Measles Madness Disease Infectious Disease Measles Madness Health authorities declared that measles had been eliminated from the nation in 2000, yet the virus has reemerged at alarmingly high rates in 2019. Fellow Jori Fortson
view article - Missing out on Mental Health 08.30.2019 view article - Missing out on Mental Health Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Missing out on Mental Health In the US, 1 in 5 adults experiences mental illness, but residents of northeastern states are more likely to be treated for mental illness. Fellow Oluwatobi Alliyu
view article - Race, Place, and Health 08.28.2019 view article - Race, Place, and Health Health Equity Housing Race, Place, and Health While the practice of redlining is now illegal, the consequences of the resultant segregation are still felt today. Fellow Oluwatobi Alliyu
view article - WHO Adds 2+1+1 08.26.2019 view article - WHO Adds 2+1+1 Sexual & Reproductive Health Sex and Sexuality WHO Adds 2+1+1 The 2+1+1 regimen can reduce PrEP's cost and adherence burden, yet it may not close the gap in reaching those at the center of the HIV epidemic. Editor Nicholas Diamond