view article - Chatbot Chats to Improve Health 05.22.2019 view article - Chatbot Chats to Improve Health Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Chatbot Chats to Improve Health As technology and our psychology continue to evolve, it is critical to understand how best to use chatbots in public health interventions. Guest Author Annabell Ho
view article - Too Much Time Online 04.29.2019 view article - Too Much Time Online Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Too Much Time Online A method for evaluating and diagnosing excessive internet use is yet to be developed, but countries are investing resources to mitigate its effects. Fellow Oluwatobi Alliyu
view article - Does My Smartphone Know I’m Anxious? 04.01.2019 view article - Does My Smartphone Know I’m Anxious? Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Does My Smartphone Know I’m Anxious? Researchers used an app to map mobility patterns among undergraduate students to understand how social anxiety symptoms manifest in real-life situations. Guest Author Laura Barnes
view article - It's Time for Americans to Stop Sleeping on Sleep 01.14.2019 view article - It's Time for Americans to Stop Sleeping on Sleep Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health It's Time for Americans to Stop Sleeping on Sleep Americans, especially people of color, are significantly more likely to report sleeping six hours or less. Sleeping six hours is the cut off, after which, negative health risks increase. Guest Author Connor Sheehan
view article - Sharing (Anxiety and Depression) is Caring 12.03.2018 view article - Sharing (Anxiety and Depression) is Caring Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Sharing (Anxiety and Depression) is Caring In a study of seventh graders followed over time, researchers considered how negative emotions might predict the end of adolescent friendships. Fellow Sampada Nandyala
view article - Black Church, Black Men(tal) Health 11.08.2018 view article - Black Church, Black Men(tal) Health Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Black Church, Black Men(tal) Health Black churches have the potential to increase the effectiveness of the support they provide to congregants—Black men in particular. Guest Authors Michael A. Robinson, Natasha LaBalle
view article - At a Crossroads: Medical Cannabis and Mental Health 08.30.2018 view article - At a Crossroads: Medical Cannabis and Mental Health Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use At a Crossroads: Medical Cannabis and Mental Health Cultural acceptance of marijuana is increasing, but cannabis has addictive potential and may exacerbate mental health problems, particularly among adolescents and emerging adults. Guest Author Nancy A. Haug
view article - Facing the Mirror after Amputation 05.30.2018 view article - Facing the Mirror after Amputation Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Facing the Mirror after Amputation Initial mirror experiences can be traumatic for individuals who have lost limbs, and trigger a wide range of emotions including self-revulsion, anger, and hopelessness. Guest Author Wyona M. Freysteinson
view article - Online Addiction and Mental Health 05.18.2018 view article - Online Addiction and Mental Health Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Online Addiction and Mental Health Access to the virtual world provides teens with opportunities to develop emotionally and build friendships, but, for some, positive social interaction can turn into addiction. Fellow Erin Polka