view article - Then and Now: Rape Victimization and Perpetration 04.06.2022 view article - Then and Now: Rape Victimization and Perpetration Health Equity Violence Then and Now: Rape Victimization and Perpetration A recent study compared rates of rape victimization and rape perpetration involving college students across 30 years. Guest Author Mary Koss
view article - I'll Call the Uber 11.15.2021 view article - I'll Call the Uber Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use I'll Call the Uber Does the availability of ride sharing services change how people consume alcohol? Fellow Maya Thirkill
view article - Risky Networks Increase DUI Risk 04.29.2021 view article - Risky Networks Increase DUI Risk Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Risky Networks Increase DUI Risk Identifying and reducing risky influences, such as drinking partners, and promoting positive influences can reduce the risk for driving under the influence. Guest Author Mauri Matsuda
view article - Mike Siegel and David Jernigan 02.15.2021 view article - Mike Siegel and David Jernigan Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Mike Siegel and David Jernigan Drs. Mike Siegel and David Jernigan discuss lessons learned from the MACH trial and how industry inflects public health research. Fellow Gray Babbs
view article - Youth Use 11.12.2020 view article - Youth Use Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Youth Use Researchers found that as people moved from richer neighborhoods to poorer ones, they drank more and reported more alcohol consequences. Fellow Edward Alexander
view article - Gambling in the Military 05.29.2020 view article - Gambling in the Military Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health Gambling in the Military Service members experiencing depression, alcohol dependence, and legal problems were the most likely to experience gambling problems. Fellow Pat Williams
view article - Drinking and Criming 05.04.2020 view article - Drinking and Criming Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Drinking and Criming Identifying alcohol outlet characteristics connected with neighborhood violence may point to more feasible alternatives for making environments safer. Guest Authors Pamela Trangenstein, David Jernigan
view article - Suicide, Alcohol, and Drug Deaths 09.24.2019 view article - Suicide, Alcohol, and Drug Deaths Mental & Behavioral Health Substance Use Suicide, Alcohol, and Drug Deaths Paying attention to experiences of states allows for more tailored and effective interventions addressing deaths from suicide, alcohol, and drug overdose. Fellow Oluwatobi Alliyu
view article - The Suffering Generation 09.16.2019 view article - The Suffering Generation Mental & Behavioral Health Mental Health The Suffering Generation Premature deaths from suicide and alcohol or drug overdoses reflect record-high societal rates of anxiety and depression among Millennials. Fellow Greg Kantor