Happy Holidays from PHP!

Thank you for reading Public Health Post. We're excited about our plans for 2017, we'll continue to highlight important public health issues, always with an eye to how we can advance the conversation.

PHP fellows with editor-in-chief David K. Jones

Read Time: 2 minutes


The last two months have been incredibly exciting for us. We quietly launched PHP on October 29th and have since published a new article every weekday. We are thrilled to have contributions from leading policymakers such as former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear on the ACA’s future and Massachusetts State Senator Jason Lewis on marijuana legalization. We have also featured important scholarship by senior researchers such as Gene Declercq on maternal mortality and Gail Dines on pornography, as well as junior scholars such as Rick Sadler on Flint and Dennis Wendt on Native American health. I have loved our profiles of cool people doing important work, such as Chrysula Winegar and Saran Verbiest.

I am most proud of our three fantastic graduate students serving as the first cohort of Public Health Post fellows. Working with Jonathan Gang, Nicholas Diamond, and Maggie Thomas has been one of the best parts of my PHP experience. I am also particularly grateful for Project Manager Melissa Davenport who skillfully makes everything run smoothly. Thank you Melissa!

We also can’t wait to determine the winners of our first student essay contest. Remember that the deadline for a submission is January 2nd.

We are taking a break for the holidays but are excited about our plans for 2017. We have more profiles lined up with interesting people and will continue to highlight important public health issues, always with an eye to how we can advance the conversation. We also can’t wait to determine the winners of our first student essay contest. Remember that the deadline for a submission is January 2nd. Students at any level and from any type of program are eligibleTwitter . Three finalists will have their posts published on PHP and the winner will receive $250. Full submission details are available here.

Thank you for reading Public Health Post. Happy holidays and see you in 2017!