PHPod Goes to APHA
At the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo in November, PHPod spoke with Emma Blackson and Diana Vasquez about their work putting public health into action.

Read Time: 1 minutes
PHPod hosts Bethany Hallenborg and Connor McCombs attended the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo held in Boston in November. They met people who are doing public health in action. In this episode, two public health students sat down to talk about their work, their time at APHA, and where they see public health going. Both guests, Emma Blackson and Diana Vasquez, discussed their research in K-12 school settings, their findings, and where they hope to go in the future as they continue working in public health. This is part one of a two-part podcast series.
Emma Blackson presented on her research titled “What in the Critical Race Theory? Comparing Educators,” which focused on teachers and educators in public school systems and the ways that students experience racism based on their treatment by educators and the presence, or lack thereof, of comprehensive critical race teaching. Blackson is pursuing her doctorate in public health at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. After completion, Blackson hopes to continue researching and working towards education reform, student equity, and fighting anti-Black classrooms.
Diana Vasquez presented on her research titled “Investigation of physical and emotional hazards for BTU members to build capacity for H&S organizing,” which focuses on the physical and emotional hazards that teachers experience in school settings to assist in the Boston Teachers Union requesting better treatment and care at work. Vasquez’s research was a part of her practicum component of her masters program at Boston University School of Public Health. Vasquez is currently pursuing her master’s in public health from Boston University with the hopes of continuing to do work for unions.