Housing the Homeless
The number of people who are homeless has decreased in the US since 2007, but we have not seen increases in housing for all populations.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development conducts a point-in-time survey of homelessness across the country every year. The department counts the number people who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and those who temporarily sleep in a shelter or in places not designated for human habitation. In 2018, 552,830 people were homeless on the night of the survey. This population included families with children (33%), youth (6.6%), veterans (6.8%), and adults (53.6%).
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Homelessness in the US has decreased by 15% since 2007, but this reduction has not affected all populations equally. Veterans and families experienced the most notable drops in homelessness. Veteran homelessness decreased by 38%, while homelessness among people in families decreased by 23%. Non-veteran adults who were homeless experienced far less progress, with their rates dropping only 10% between 2007 and 2018.
Historically, shelters have been the predominant acute intervention for homelessness. But homeless service providers only have the capacity to offer temporary beds to 70% of people experiencing homelessness on a given night. This leaves 30% without access to adequate nighttime residence.
Databyte via PITbars, Jackie Janosko, 28 Oct. 2019.